Chaney Instruments

Casa / Patio, Prato e giardino / Decorazioni per esterni / Termometri esterni / Acura 02362 11-Termometro e igrometro in pollici


(come di 07/27/2017 a 14:10 UTC)

Acura 02362 11-Termometro e igrometro in pollici

This thermometer allows you to check comfort conditions at a glance with this temperature and humidity gauge combination. The colorful numerals and indicators are green for comfortable temperature and humidity ranges, blue for cold and humid ranges, and red for hot and dry ranges


This thermometer allows you to check comfort conditions at a glance with this temperature and humidity gauge combination. The colorful numerals and indicators are green for comfortable temperature and humidity ranges, blue for cold and humid ranges, and red for hot and dry ranges. Features a titanium gray frame and glass lens. Durevole, weather resistant construction is suitable for indoor or outdoor use. Includes an integrated hang hole for easy mounting. One-year limited warranty. It’s more than accurate, it’s AcuRite.

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