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(come di 09/20/2018 a 16:37 UTC)

Instant Read Digital Meat ThermometereSamcore Food Thermometersfor Kitchen Cooking and BBQ Grilling

This is the time of year when an instant read thermometer becomes nearly necessary for home cooks. Thanksgiving turkeys,
Christmas roasts, and holiday BBQ grilling all demand the precision of an eSamcore cooking thermometer


This is the time of year when an instant read thermometer becomes nearly necessary for home cooks. Thanksgiving turkeys,
Christmas roasts, and holiday BBQ grilling all demand the precision of an eSamcore cooking thermometer. By using this thermometer, you will
quickly rely on it even in recipes that don’t call for one. We suggest buying one now and using it often over the next couple weeks to get used to it.


Response Time:4-5seconds

TemperatureRange:58 ℉ to 572 ℉(-50-300 ℃)

Accuracy: ± 0.1 ℉ (between -4F to 392F)

Probe Length: 4.4 inches stainless steel

Auto-shut off to save battery life if inactive for 10 verbale.

℉/℃ switchable

Daily water resistance


1. To calibrate this electric smoker thermometer prepare a cup of water, add ice and then dip the probe inside while pressing the hold button for 5 seconds

2. After 5 seconds, the display will showCALon the screen, which means the digital meat thermometer is correcting the temperature reading to 32°F or 0°C.

3. Once the digital cooking thermometer shows 32°F or 0°C on the screen, the Calibration has been completed.

Note: Make sure the probe is touching the ice and water

Il pacchetto include:

One eSamcore Digital Meat Thermometer

One Meat Temperature Guide

One Manual


1. Do not touch the hot probe or submerge the BBQ thermometer in water for too long

2. Do not put the electric meat thermometer directly in the oven while cooking

3. Keep away from children


The Lifetime Replacement Warranty only applies when you purchase eSamcore Instant Read
Cooking Thermometer from the only authorized selleremobilepress”.

Informazioni aggiuntive




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