
(come di 09/30/2018 a 16:16 UTC)

Charcoal Companion Fire UP! Charcoal Starter Wand/Fire Lighting ToolCC4110

The Fire Up Charcoal Starter Wand is a naturally friendly way to ignite your charcoal without using toxic lighter fluid. The high-heat, fast-start wand can light charcoal briquettes, trucioli di legno, chunks or pellets with ease


The Fire Up Charcoal Starter Wand is a naturally friendly way to ignite your charcoal without using toxic lighter fluid. The high-heat, fast-start wand can light charcoal briquettes, trucioli di legno, chunks or pellets with ease. Two simple switches take your charcoal from cold to smoldering in a matter of minutes: the heat setting ignites, while the blow setting distributes the flames to unlit charcoal. The starter also has a built-in kickstand to prop the hot wand off of its resting surface. The wand’s stainless steel tip has a higher melting point than other metals, allowing it to be buried directly into the coals, and its tapered tip focuses heat effectively. And once your coals are lit, you can even insert woodchips into the tip of the wand to heat the chips and blow smoky flavor directly onto your food.

The Fire Up Charcoal Starter Wand is an excellent value as well. Get your charcoal started without breaking the bank.

Come usare: Plug in torch cord to a grounded electrical outlet (120V~, 1500W, 60Hz). Point nozzle directly at single piece of charcoal, no farther than 3 inches away. Flip switch to ‘1to ignite the charcoal. Once charcoal is lit, flip switch to ‘2to blow hot air onto the surrounding coals. If you are lighting a large amount of charcoal, consider igniting more than one charcoal to make sure the fire spreads evenly across your coals.

After removing wand from the charcoal, unplug the wand and place it on its kickstand to cool. Let Starter Wand cool completely on a heat-safe surface before storing.

CARE: Store indoors when not in use.

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