Miglior Smoker BBQ Under $400

Casa / Blog / Miglior Smoker BBQ Under $400

Hands down the best bbq smoker available in the under $400 price point is the Weber Smokey Mountain aka WSM. La sua forma di proiettile è dimostrato, affidabile, e conveniente.

Weber Smokey Mountain

Ho avuto il mio da 2001 ed è ancora forte. E 'compatto, leggero e funzionale. Carbone va sul fondo, una vaschetta dell'acqua nelle griglie medie e due cottura nella metà superiore della pentola.

Alcuni potrebbero obiettare con me che una griglia caldaia non è davvero un fumatore. Sarebbero giusto – è una griglia con versatilità per essere usato come un fumatore troppo.


Weber Kettle Grill

Utilizzando buone tecniche di controllo del tiro, bancario i carboni sui lati (o l'acquisto di un accessorio da Weber che fa la parte ancora più facile) will enable you smoke ribs on the grill without an expensive smoker. Get a rib rack and you can smoke 5 o 6 racks at once.


I have been blogging and writing about barbecue since 2001. I also competed in professional barbecue contests from 2001 – 2006. My original goal when starting this blog was to build an

audience to buy my spice rubs and sauces. And then, if everything turned out well, I hoped to open a barbecue catering business. If that business became viable, I planned to open a small barbecue restaurant to concentrate on barbecue carry out sales.

I sold my spice rubs from this web site and at local barbecue contests from 2002 – 2006. In total I sold about 7 cases of barbecue rub during that time, strictly from this website and via word of mouth among family and friends.

After posting the first 100 or so articles about my barbecue experiences including my personal recipes for rubs and spices along with numerous pictures of contest turn-in boxes, I decided to attempt to monetize some of those efforts maintaining the website via affiliate links to Amazon.com, to advertisers via Google AdSense and with educational materials from Click Bank. During the past 13 anni, this free website has earned approximately $5,000 from those avenues and income from the contests where I was awarded prize money. I spend $10 a year or less to maintain the website, which represents the cost of the domain name.

I have learned that content is key to building an audience and ultimately earning any significant income from a free website like mine is dependent on having daily visitors who are interested in looking at my barbecue pictures, reading my articles and learning from my success and mistakes.

Based on my experiences with this website I have learned a great deal about online marketing. I have learned what works and what does not work. I receive occasional questions from others trying to build their own online presence and have tried to help them when possible.

If I were starting over from scratch with this site, I might take a different approachan approach where content is more dependent on user and reader generated discussion and less on my own personal effort. But that ship has sailed – 14 years ago in fact.

I have other online blogs and businesses. I have used my experience here and applied it to other websites and business strategies. I have a blog about fishing, blogs about photography, about vermicomposting and even gardening. I have monetized many of those sites with Amazon, AdSense, educational material via Click Bank, but I am most excited about the step-by-step instructional material recently available teaching average gals and guys like me, come guadagnare redditi da siti web esistenti e come creare nuovi siti web specificamente per guadagnare un reddito su una base part-time.

If these educational materials had been available to me 14 anni fa, Avrei risparmiato un sacco di tentativi ed errori; e certamente avrebbe meritato molto più reddito da questo sito.

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