Outils de nettoyage et d'entretien

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(à partir de 07/19/2017 à 14:41 UTC)

FAXTTO BBQ Grill Brush in Stainless Steel with Long Handle. A Powerful Accessory to Clean Barbeque Plates, Racks and Burners

Ah, summer time, smell those burgers and hot dogs sizzling on the grill, or a nice veggie kebab warming away through that wonderful barbecue smoke. But before you can get your hands on the ketchup and beer, you must clean off all the grease and grime from your previous barbecue


Ah, summer time, smell those burgers and hot dogs sizzling on the grill, or a nice veggie kebab warming away through that wonderful barbecue smoke. But before you can get your hands on the ketchup and beer, you must clean off all the grease and grime from your previous barbecue. Si, make it easy for yourself and buy a proper grill brush, the kind a man would be proud to have in his hand, a stainless steel rust proof model with an angled head and an extra-long 18″ manipuler, to be precise. Oh yes, that is what we are talking about here, a man brush! Premium quality, industrial grade, powerful and strong.

With market-leading cleaning performance and compatible with Weber and Porcelain grills, we would like to take a moment to remind you of some of those breath-taking features:

1. 18 inches handle to reach the hardest parts of the grill easily without getting burnt – Agréable.

2. Perfectly angled head to make easy work of the toughest spots and easy cleaning of gratesOh yeah!

3. Reinforced handle ensures no more bending or weakening when scrubbing tough, burnt-on grimeSweet.

4. Its strong bristles easily clean dirt without damaging or scratching porcelain or ceramic grill grates. – Groovy

Bet you can’t wait to give it a try between those grill bars and save a vast amount of time in the process. Si, click that “Ajouter au panier” button now and spread the happiness.

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