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(a partir de 08/05/2017 en 21:36 UTC)

CookinPellets 40H Hickory Smoking Pellets

Our Pellets are 100% of the wood named! We don’t add filler or soft woods like others do. Some companies use up to 70% Oak or Alder, a cheaper filler wood mixed into the wood you are buying! Ask if it is 100%! Our woods feature: 100% of what we say it is NO oak or alder filler


Our Pellets are 100% of the wood named! We don’t add filler or soft woods like others do. Some companies use up to 70% Oak or Alder, a cheaper filler wood mixed into the wood you are buying! Ask if it is 100%! Our woods feature: 100% of what we say it is NO oak or alder filler. Low moisture Low Fine, (dust). High BTU, Promedio 8500.

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