Elektrowerkzeuge für den Außenbereich

Zuhause / Terrasse, Rasen und Garten / Elektrowerkzeuge für den Außenbereich / Unkrautfackeln / Houseables Weed Torch Propane Burner, Gas Vapor, Schwarz, 20,000 BTU, 34 Inches Long, Outdoor Garden Weeds Killer, Ergonomic Handle, Self Igniting, Trigger Start, Patio Dragon Weeder


(ab 09/29/2019 beim 20:49 UTC)

Houseables Weed Torch Propane Burner, Gas Vapor, Schwarz, 20,000 BTU, 34 Inches Long, Outdoor Garden Weeds Killer, Ergonomic Handle, Self Igniting, Trigger Start, Patio Dragon Weeder

Take care of weed problems in your yard by use of mechanical flame When you pass a flame over and around weeds, it quickly boils the water inside of the weed’s cell, causing it to burst. Once the heat destroys the weed’s stem, water and nutrients cannot reach the leaves, and the top portion dies


Take care of weed problems in your yard by use of mechanical flame When you pass a flame over and around weeds, it quickly boils the water inside of the weed’s cell, causing it to burst. Once the heat destroys the weed’s stem, water and nutrients cannot reach the leaves, and the top portion dies. So even the worst of weeds are instantly eradicated on your lawn, gardens, asphalt, and gravel driveways. The landscaping benefits of a utility torch are numerous in amount. Propane-powered outdoor torches require no chemicals, and do not result in chemical residues on your lawn or garden crops, nor any risk of groundwater contamination. No more herbicides, no more weed whackers spitting back grass and dirt debris all over your clothing, no more working on your hands and knees. What you get with an outdoor utility torch is a lawn and garden that remains free of weeds longer, and soil that remains undisturbed. It is the fastest and most effective method for stopping dandelions, crabgrass, ground ivy, chickweed, ragwort, broadleaf plantain, and thistles dead in its tracks. If your yard seems hopelessly cursed with particularly annoying weeds that keep coming back, a second, or third burning in the following weeks will kill them all for good.