Verduras a la plancha

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Claro, carne pertenece en el parrilla. Todos lo sabemos y es fácil entender por qué. No hay nada que supere la delicia carbonizada de la carne a la parrilla.. Sin embargo, verduras a la parrilla pueden tener la misma calidad y ser tan agradable. Who knows? Tal vez usted encontrará que los niños que no comen habitualmente sus vehículos se reúnen a la mesa cuando verduras a la parrilla están en el menú

Maíz a la parrilla en la mazorca

No hay nada como el sabroso dulce de maíz en la mazorca que ha sido la arrojó sobre la parrilla. Most sweet corns don’t even need to be boiled first. Just put them on the parrilla right along with your meat and let them cook. Turn frequently to char evenly all the way around. The smell of grilled corn will make your mouth water. Spread a little butter on that cob and the kids may not even make it to the meat. They may well stuff themselves on these grilled vegetables instead!

Grilled Asparagus

Many critics of asparagus complain that it’s mushy. That’s why they don’t like it. Of all the possible grilled vegetables, asparagus is my favorite. If you don’t overcook it, it will retain its crispness instead of falling to mush. That’s really the trick to making good grilled asparagus. Don’t overcook it. Period.

Get a bunch of slender stalks and peel or trim the tough ends. Lay them in a dish and coat them with olive oil, salt and pepper. Then pop them on the parrilla for just 2 o 3 acta. It’s best to do this on a preheated parrilla that is good and hot so that you can get some lovely char marks on each stalk.

grilled zucchini

Grilled Zucchini

Zucchini is a summer vegetable. I don’t know why but it’s what I always think of when I think of the summer garden, montones y montones de calabacín fresco. What better way to enjoy the summer’s bounty than to fire up the parrilla?

Preparar un adobo de 1 parte de aceite de oliva y 1 parte de vinagre balsámico, en una amplia, cazuela plana. Slice your zucchini in half long ways and place them cut side down in the marinade for 5 acta. Cook them on a hot parrilla durante dos a tres minutos, convirtiéndolos vez.

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