Not sure what to do this Valentine’s day for your significant other? Sick of the crowded restaurants and the aisles filled to capacity with boxes of chocolate and stuffed animals? Yeah we understand the plight that Valentines day can bring, and hopefully we can offer some assistance here. We find that this is the perfect day to show your loved one how much you really love and appreciate everything they are, not by taking them out to some fancy restaurant but by rolling up your sleeves and putting in the effort to impress with your best grilling ricetta.
There’s nothing better in our minds than a home cooked meal prepared by that special someone, and this year it’s time to return the favor. You know your loved one better than anyone and can surely think of their favored food. Now it’s time to take that favorite meat or seafood and throw it down on the griglia. Whether it’s steak, pollo, o gamberetto, you know what to do. If you still want to keep an air of fancifulness, then grilled Lobster is a great choice for the griglia and is sure to impress.
So make that special someone feel even more special with a private dinner this Valentines day, and don’t forget to thank us when this simple gesture reaps extra special rewards. 😉