• Hamburguesas Suroeste

    Date: 2015.08.18 | Categoría: plato principal | Etiquetas: ,,,,,

    One can never have enough burger recipes! He hecho tantas hamburguesas diferentes y he publicado algunas recetas durante los años: la hamburguesa dulce, the bourbon burger y the Italian burger. Y ahora puedo agregar éstos picante (tan picante como se puede querer / puede manejar) Hamburguesas Suroeste a la lista!

    The Chef of the Future seasoning I’m using is a great add, al igual que la salsa barbacoa de Técnica de almacenamiento! Aquí está el enlace para mis lectores holandeses: Bbq Técnica de almacenamiento. Give these a try and you’ll agree!

    What more can I tell regarding this recipe, not much but add as much heat as you can handle, the more heat the better they taste haha!

    Hamburguesas Suroeste (makes 4 small burgers or 2 large ones)

    1 lb minced meat

    1 tablespoon Southwestern Seasoning Chef of the Future

    2 tablespoons Stockyard Southern Blues bbq sauce

    ½ cup grated cheese

    1 large (if you like it HOT, otherwise use less) chipotle, picado

    2 tablespoons finely cut fresh cilantro

    Bacon slices (as much as you like!)

    1 large onion, thinly sliced

    4 tomates, sliced

    Mixed green salad

    Burger buns

    For the dressing:

    1 cup mayonnaise

    A few drops hot sauce (I used Cholula)

    2 tablespoons fresh lime juice

    A few drops Worcestershire sauce

    1/2 teaspoon Southwestern Seasoning Chef of the Future

    1 teaspoon Stockyard Southwestern Blues bbq sauce

    The burgers:

    Mix the seasoning, salsa, queso, chipotle and cilantro. Add the meat and when it’s all mixed give it a rest in the fridge for about 15 acta. In case you’re wondering: this is a pic without the meat, just all the other ingredients…

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    Cook the bacon in a separate pan until crisp and let them rest on a few pieces of kitchen paper.

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    Divide the meat into 4 equal parts (when you’re planning to make 4 hamburguesas, of course haha). Use a burger press or shape them with your hands.

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    Btw…. love this hot sauce!

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    You can grill these burgers on your bbq of course, but I used my cast iron grill pan this time. Slice the buns and put them upside down on the hot grill pan (so they will be toasted) for a few minutes. Don’t burn them!!

    After that you spray some olive oil on the grill pan so you can grill the onions and the burgers. Depending on how thick you made burgers, they need between 8-12 acta.

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    In the meantime you can make the dressing: mix all the ingredients and taste if you want to add some more lime juice or hot sauce.

    When the burgers are ready and the onions soft and slightly brown, it’s time to start building the burgers:

    The buns and some of the dressing:

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    The salad and tomatoes:

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    On top of that the burgers, onions, bacon and more dressing. And that’s it! Fast and super tasty!!!

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