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If you’ve got a large grill and/or often find yourself handling large cuts of meat, The Cave Tool Set may have the grilling set you’re looking for. These over-sized, stainless steel tools are designed to do some heavy lifting. The extended length of the Cave Tools set is ideal for large grills. The long spatula allows you to reach the back of the grill without getting your hand too close to the flame. It’s the type of spatula that I would use when grilling burgers for a crowd. The tongs work well for situating larger cuts on the grill or smoker. They’re particularly useful for full racks of ribs. Other features worth noting are the hooked ends making each piece easy to hang from any grill station. The spatula also features a serrated edge for scraping the grill. More importantly, the spatula can be used as a bottle opener ensuring that the pit master stays refreshed as he/she prepares dinner. While I wasn’t blown away with the Cave Tools set, it definitely falls on the higher end of the scale. They’re pretty stylish and appear to be well made. I expect they’ll hold up well for quite a long time as well.


5 Giant Reasons Why Cave Tools Has the Best BBQ Tools on the Market:


  1. Barbecue Tools are Super Heavy DutyStrongest most durable grill set will not bend or break when flipping large chunks of meat
  2. Amazing for Tailgating and Backyard CookoutsBottle opener keeps your buzz going & extra wide spatula with contoured tip so you can flip burgers all day long
  3. Oversized Grill Tongs For Perfect GripEasily flip and turn hot dogs, salchichas, alas, and other food on the grill without dropping
  4. Dishwasher Safe BBQ ToolsCleanup has never been easier
  5. Simple StorageExtra wide hanging hooks with leather straps fit on any grill including the Weber GenesisTongs come with metal loop to clamp shut for drawer storage


If at any point in the life of your bbq tools set, if you feel like you received less value than what you paid for it, we will give you a full refund for your money. Even if you use your grill tools for an entire year, if you want your money back, we will give you a full refund for your barbecue set.

That’s how confident we feel that we have the absolute best grilling tools on the market


Download instructions included with your purchase. Complete with 25 Professional BBQ Recipes, Step by Step instructions, Tutorial Videos, and Access to our growing library of over 35 Cooking Videos

Cave Tools has been featured on: La “Q” Revisión, BBQ Central Radio Station, Outdoor Cooking Channel, FOX, NBC, ABC

We Are Committed To Superior Strength, Design & Durability so You Can Buy Today With Confidence


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